

The sun is shining , the day seems perfect to be locked inside in my room for that little thingy I do called coding. But you begin your work and something happens,you don’t actually write anything.                                                                        Congratulations ,you have reached a coder block caused usually by a lack of MOTIVATION.
om7xyDon’t worry ,it’s not a serious illness ,you just are too lazy today, or maybe you want to be doing other stuff like me right now , wanting to go to the beach with my friends…ah the beach and the little breeze and playing with the sand and building castles and then smashing them with our feet , or am I the only one that likes doing that….wait I got out of context.

See. Lack of motivation happens all the time , like me right now completely forgetting what I was writing about.

So now that we know our diagnosis what happens, how do we fix it . In which part of google do I search so I can get this motivation thingy. The answer from my personal experience comes from within. Usually when I feel tired and I don’t really want to do anything ,I try to think why I even started this thing in the first place. I think of how good it makes me feel , how creating something new is so exciting and interesting and I feel like a total boss and a genius .(i’m so modest man)

Sometimes I even try to think of serious stuff like my parents working hard for me to be doing what I do and I should at least be working half they do to show appreciation for them.(This one just hits me right in the feels and sometimes it’s just the kick I need ).

Other times it feels good working maybe on a different thing that you can work on without thinking too much. Like for me this new blog is going to help me because I like writing and just expressing my thoughts without wondering too much for my grammar, if it makes sense or if it has those key elements the teachers of my literature classes always tried to teach me but I still don’t remember anything . So if you are like my , just write, put a part of you in a piece of paper, in a blog format and while your ideas flow from your brain through your fingers and make words , your body is starting to feel active and the laziness will shortly kick itself away and you will be able to work a little.

Another thing that helps me is having goals . One of my goals that I wanna try is posting everyday something I learned that day so I keep my self active and don’t disappear in the world of serials , watching like a season a day and then not knowing how much time has passed and looking like a total bum. So cheers to a new initiative and hopefully you will join me and together we can learn something new everyday.




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